
Shipit postman
Shipit postman

shipit postman

Everyone gets three minutes to present their project. 2pm Friday - Presentations start in a number of locations.12pm Friday - Organiser and a couple of helpers start to arrange voting sheets and presentation areas.10am Friday - Organiser reminds everyone to take screenshots or videos of their work in progress, in case it breaks at the last minute.The majority, more sensible people, go home to get some rest.

shipit postman

Overnight Thursday - A few dedicated participants sometimes keep working on their projects overnight.There's a great buzz in the office when everyone gets together to discuss their projects and how far they've come in the first five or six hours. 6-7pm Thursday - Dinner is provided by the company for those who are working late.

shipit postman

In the Sydney office now, the organiser usually just sends an email. When we were smaller, everyone used to get together for a quick kick-off announcement.

  • Some time prior - Participants are expected to write up their "shipment orders" – a short document describing their project, the reason they're doing it, and how much they expect to achieve in a day.
  • One week prior - Second "brown bag" meeting.
  • Two weeks prior to ShipIt Day - First "brown bag" (lunchtime) meeting to brainstorm and discuss ideas.
  • From there, the process in our head office in Sydney looks like something this: An organiser is appointed (more on that below) and picks a date after consulting with the engineering managers. Preparation normally starts three or four weeks before we want to hold a ShipIt Day. What is the timeline for a typical ShipIt Day?

    Shipit postman