Map creators are now able to set up custom prices for fuel and repair zones to be used in hard mode, see and in the "SnowRunner Editor Guide".Map creators are now able to set up custom prices for fuel and repair zones to be used in hard mode.

Fixed a bug where Sunvisor upgrade for Azov 5319 did not match the truck color when the Burning Bright Vinyl Wrap was equipped.Added additional winch attachment points for Jeep Renegade.Improved interior glass texture for Tatra FORCE T815-7.Fixed a bug where the decal on the top of the cab of 'Royal BM17' appeared to be mirrored.Fixed a bug where the jerrycans of the 'Trunk Repair Supplies' addon equipped on the 'Tatra Force T815-7' did not disappear when became empty.Fixed unnatural twitching of suspension for Western Star 49X and Caterpillar CT681.Fixed a bug where 'Long Logs' cargo could be outside of the 'Log Carrier Rear' trailer after transitioning through a gateway if the trailer was placed at an angle to the truck before transition.Fixed a bug where logs could be loaded into the Log Carrier addon of the 'Caterpillar 745C' truck using autoloading function on top of already loaded unpacked logs in the addon.

Fixed a bug where unpacked cargo could fly away or get stuck in truck carriage body after entering into it in the created co-op session.Not purchased DLC trucks and regions are now available for preview in the game.Added in-game browser of available DLC’s - Content Library.Added switch between a normal and hard mode in custom scenarios menu.Compatible special addons (evacuator, seismic vibrator, etc.) are now displayed for each truck in the truck store.Added special notification if player’s truck is located inside building zone when he is trying to complete objective tied to this building.High suspension for International Transtar 4070A fitting larger wheels.Finetune gearbox for Freightliner M916A1.Additional upgrades are now available for previously released vehicles:.In my opinion the scouts are totally useless except in very few missions of some dlc maps like yukon or kolv and I add more, for me the only useful scouts are Yar who is the best in mud after tatarin, the same tatarin obviously and ford the Which I only use as a gas station or for a few scout missions. Further into the game and having unlocked more trucks and scouts I realized the same thing but to a greater extent, scouts are 90% a failure in the mud and even more so in the snow so my speed was slower than using a simple fleetstar. i also realized this very early in the game, fleetstar was better scout than chevy or scout 800 so in the end i decided not to invest my money in them as i realized they are a failure in mud. The scout also provides an autonomous winch in case of a roll over (as long as the scout is in range of something it can use to right itself). If needed, I can deploy the scout to get to things through woods or narrow spaces a bigger truck cant reach. Something like a Voron has better mud crossing than most scouts. Originally posted by Randox:Outside of some vehicle recovery and just having fun, I sometimes use a flatbed truck with a scout to make a better scout.